Training program SDT study whole sample
We hypothesized that employees from the experimental group would experience higher need satisfaction and lower need frustration at the second measurement time, which would not be the case for the control group. In addition we also expected that, via increased need satisfaction and decreased need frustration, the experimental group would report increased levels of autonomous work motivation and decreased levels of controlled work motivation after the intervention compared to the first measurement, and no such changes were expected for the control group. Finally, significant effects were expected in the experimental group regarding increased work engagement and decreased job burnout. H1a: Exp. group will perceive more autonomy support from both their managers and coworkers at Time 2 than at Time 1. H1b: Exp. group will perceive more autonomy support from both their managers and coworkers compared to employees in the control group at Time 2. H2a: Exp. group will experience more need satisfaction and less need frustration at Time 2 than at Time 1. H2b: Exp. group will experience more need satisfaction and less need frustration compared to employees in the control group at Time 2. H3a: Exp. group will experience more autonomous motivation and less controlled motivation at Time 2 than at Time 1. H3b: Exp. group will experience more autonomous motivation and less controlled motivation compared to employees in the control group at Time 2. H4a: Ex. group will experience more work engagement and less burnout at Time 2 than at Time 1. H4b: Exp. group will experience more work engagement and less burnout compared to employees in the control group at Time 2. The dataset includes data on coworkers and managers at T1 and T2 (an r after the name means item is reversed). Autonomy support AUSUP=Manager’s perception of giving support (only managers, 6 items) CWS=Perception of receiving support from coworkers (only coworkers, 6 items) MAS=Perception of receiving support from manager (only coworkers, 6 items) Motivation EXM=Extrinsic, 6 items IJM=Intrjojected, 4 items IDM=Identified, 3 items INM=Intrinsic, 3 items AMo=Amotivation, 3 items Need Satisfaction/Frustration (4 items/subscale) NeAu=Need for Autonomy NeFrRe=Need Frustration Relatedness NeCo=0Need for Competence NeRe=Need for Relatedness NeFrAu=Need Frustration Autonomy NeFrCo=Need Frustration Competence Eng=Work Engagement, 9 items BO=Burn out, 11 items Gender Years at current organization Years of total work experience Age in years Hereafter are the same measures at Time 2, where T2 signifies time 2 (e.g. AUTSUPT2)