Research Data on Crop loss induced by Avian and Rodent pest infestations of lowland rice grown in a Savanna Transition Environment of Nigeria

Published: 21 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xwy3nbbtyc.1
Stanley Okwara,


The data obtained for the research on crop loss induced by Avian and Rodent pest infestations of lowland is shown in tables in which the average infestations and damage by these pests were recorded across four rice varies grown in two groups (Protection and No-protection). The losses induced by these pests were also estimated and expressed in percentage which is also shown in table form. Avian pest and rodent pest responsible as identified during the research are also included as part of the collected data for the research. The data in table form are well documented following all necessary scientific method s for easy understanding and interpretation. The research was a split plot arrangement fitted into a Randomized Complete Block Design and as such the table of data was arranged showing the treatments/factors on the first column as well as the interaction.



Rodent, Avian Species
