Full output GWAS female

Published: 2 October 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/xwzp5ymp24.3
, Alan Goodman


We infected female flies from 94 of the DGRP lines with 104 plaque-forming units (PFU) WNV-Kun by intrathoracic injection and determined their mortality rates as compared to flies treated with buffer only (mock infection). We monitored survival daily for 30 days and calculated the hazard ratio as a metric of survival. We then used the log of the hazard ratio as the quantitative phenotype for the GWAS, as described (Chow et al., 2013). Column definitions are as follows: chr – chromosome numbers rs – SNP IDs ps – basepair positions on the chromosome n_miss – number of missing individuals for a given SNP allele1 – minor allele allele0 – major allele af – allele frequency beta – beta estimates se – standard errors for beta l_remle – restricted maximum likelihood estimates for lambda l_mle – maximum likelihood estimates for lambda p_wald – p values from Wald test p_lrt – p values from likelihood-ratio test p_score – p values from Score test



University of Utah, University of Idaho, Washington State University


Drosophila, Genome Wide Association Study, West Nile Virus
