Dataset for: "On the estimation of the moving mass of a TMD installed on a lively structure"

Published: 21 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xx46xthc5z.1
Álvaro Magdaleno,


This dataset contains all the data and code required to reproduce the results shown in the article entitled "On the estimation of the moving mass of a TMD installed on a lively structure", published in Applied Sciences by the same authors in May 2021 (DOI: 10.3390/app11104712). The data folder contains a "readme" file with a more detailed description of the files contents.


Steps to reproduce

To properly run the provided script, please be sure to follow the following steps: 1. Download the whole contents of this dataset (folder "data" with its contents, the script main.m and the function FRFfit.m). 2. Place the three elements in the same folder. 3. Open the script main.m with MATLAB. The script has been programmed in the version 2019a and tested in newer versions, but it may also work in older ones. 4. The script can be run completely or section by section. Every section will generate one Figure of the paper.


Structural Dynamics, Passive Vibration Control, Vibration Control
