Data Files for Timing Fear Cues in the Temporal Bisection Task

Published: 12 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xx6zh6mmjw.1
Erich Grommet,


Research on emotion often involves the use of emotion-evoking stimuli that are used to manipulate emotional state across groups or conditions. One standardized set of stimuli that has been used for this purpose is the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). These data files were obtained over the course of two experiments in which the primary task was for participants to judge the presentation duration of six IAPS pictures in the temporal bisection task. Each of these experiments contained three types of phases (rating, training, and testing). In rating phases, participants rated the IAPS pictures for evoked valence, arousal, and fear. In training phases, participants were trained to classify the presentation duration of green squares (Experiment 1) or IAPS pictures (Experiment 2) as either “short” or “long.” In testing phases, participants were instructed to use what they had learned in the preceding training phases to classify the IAPS pictures as either “short” or “long.” The first four columns in each dataset are subject number, sex, sequence group, and session number. These common identifiers allow researchers to link a given subjects data across phases or sessions of an experiment for within-subjects analyses or isolate analyses to a given sex, sequence group, or session while including data from more than one phase of the experiment. The remaining columns in the rating phase datasets (Experiment 1: rating-3DR.csv, Experiment 2: rating-MM.csv) are test (pretest vs. posttest), rated stimulus, and participant ratings of the stimuli (valence, arousal, and fear). The remaining columns in the training phase datasets (Experiment 1: training-3DR.csv, Experiment 2: training-MM.csv) are timed stimulus, timed stimulus duration, participant response (“short” vs. “long”), response feedback (“correct” vs. “incorrect”), and response latency from stimulus offset. The remaining columns in the rating phase datasets (Experiment 1: testing-3DR.crv, Experiment 2: testing-MM.crv) are trial block (fist vs. second 84 trials in session), timed stimulus, timed stimulus duration, fixation point duration, participant response (“short” vs. “long”), and response latency from stimulus offset.



Emotion, Models of Timing
