Central Amazon Tree Species Abundance, Natural Regeneration, and Litter and Soil Biogeochemistry
Uncertainty exists whether reduced-impact selective logging typical of sustainable forest management plans (i.e., 17–20 m3 ha−1 yr−1 of 38–70 species) changes forest regeneration, carbon (C) stocks, and nutrient cycling. We tested the hypothesis that litter and soil biogeochemical parameters serve as indicators of sustainable logging as forest regeneration, C stocks, and C-to-nutrient ratios in soil and litter become progressively similar to those of primary forests as time elapses after logging. We used a chronosequence spanning nine years since logging to relate litter and soil (at 0–10, 10–30, 30–50 cm depth) C stocks and 12 and 15 biogeochemical parameters, respectively, as well as canopy cover and tree seedling density (10–150 cm tall) in upland evergreen Amazon forests. In one unlogged and four logged stands sampled three, five, seven, and nine years after logging, we compared 15 permanent plots (three replicated 0.5 ha plots per time-since-logging category). The attached files include the Amazon tree species abundances, natural regeneration densities, canopy cover, environmental variables (air temperature and humidity at the time of sampling), as well as the litter and soil biogeochemical variables (carbon stocks and 12 and 15 additional variables, respectively) measured and used in our study to compare logged and unlogged forests. Additional information can be found in the link provided in this dataset page.