Data of Emotional Responses to Visual Stimuli in Mexico

Published: 9 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xxbwx3wgbf.1
Hugo Mitre-Hernandez


The data file includes the valence and arousal values per image. The next descriptive data per image: Arithmetic mean of valence, Valence standard deviation, Arithmetic mean of valence in women, Arithmetic mean of valence in men, Arithmetic mean of activation, Activation standard deviation, Arithmetic mean of activation in women and Arithmetic mean of activation in men. Also, the number of participants before and after the POMS filter. PARTICIPANTS Participants were recruited through an online study web application and provided informed consent. No compensation was offered for their participation. The National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCyT) fellowship network of Mexico was utilized to distribute invitations for the online study. To ensure spatial diversity in our sample, we adopted an unbiased sampling approach, as recommended by Wang. This method involved random selection from the population within the CONAHCyT fellowship network of Mexico. CROSS-CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF EMOTIONAL RESPONSES 6 A total of 1540 adult participants, including university students pursuing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, as well as academic staff, took part in the study. Of the participants, 64.9% were male, and 35.1% were female. The distribution of participants across different states of Mexico is detailed in Table 1. MATERIALS Mood Disturbance Filter To minimize the potential influence of mood disturbances on our results, we implemented a mood filter. Participants exhibiting high mood disturbance were excluded from the analysis. This filter relied on the Profile Of Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire, specifically, a brief Spanish version of the research. There are six factors and their associated parameters, rated on a five-point Likert scoring system. ANGER: Angry Grumpy Irritable Upset Resentful FATIGUE: Exhausted Tired Weary Weak Exhausted VIGOR: Full of energy Energetic Active Animated Vigorous FRIENDLINESS: Kind Comprehensive Helpful Friendly Considered TENSION: Frayed nerves Nervous Uptight Agitated DEPRESSED: Unhappy Sad Hopeless Alone Melancholic IAPS Images The visual stimuli were drawn from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) database. A key strength of this study lies in the size of the sample per image. We selected a total of 60 IAPS images, categorized as follows: 15 highly positive, 15 positive, 15 negative, and 15 highly negative. Self-Assessment Manikin The Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) was used as the pictorial instrument to assess the IAPS images. SAM allowed us to measure the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance. Specifically: Affective valence, associated with pleasure, hedonism, or valence (SAM-Val), was rated on a scale ranging from a smiling figure (max. score of 9) to an unhappy one (min. score of 1). Arousal, reflecting activation or excitement (SAM-Act), was evaluated on a scale from a figure with open eyes (max. score of 9) to a very relaxed one (min. score of 1).


Steps to reproduce

1. Define Study Objective and Goals: Start with a clear objective and measurable goals, covering the subject matter, purpose, quality focus, and context. 2. Define Participant Profiles and Sample Size: Describe participant profiles and calculate sample sizes using Equation 1, considering confidence level, standard deviation, and acceptable error limit. 3. Present Instructions via Video: Use an instructional video to guide participants through study requirements, including removing distractions, rating images, and submitting responses. 4. Apply Informed Consent Form: Administer the informed consent form through the online study web application for participant acceptance or decline. 5. Apply Profile Of Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire: Participants complete the brief POMS questionnaire online. This has the aim to minimize the potential influence of mood disturbances on our results. 6. Rate the Images of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS): Present a calm image, then individual images for rating using the SAM questionnaire for valence and arousal. Note, We selected a total of 60 IAPS images, categorized as follows: 15 highly positive, 15 positive, 15 negative, and 15 highly negative. 7. Apply POMS Filter: Exclude participants falling outside two standard deviations for any POMS factor. 8. Store Data: Export data, including mean valence and arousal for all participants, males, and females, along with standard deviations. 9. Analyze and Discuss Results: Use statistical methods to analyze valence and arousal data in line with predefined objectives and discuss the results accordingly.


Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas AC


Emotion Perception
