Awareness about cervical cancer in rural and urban populations of haryana
This survey was conducted on one thousand female participants (500 rural and 500 urban), with an aim to evaluate level of existing knowledge as well as the practices related to cervical cancer among rural and urban regions of northern India. The information on knowledge of participants on symptoms, risk factors of cervical cancer such as age, marital status, abortion history, pregnancy history, age at menarche, menstrual status, personal sexual history etc. was collected. Increasing awareness and offering health education can profoundly reduce the cost of detecting cervical cancer in its early stages This data is valuable for researchers that aim to do comparative studies, meta-analysis on awareness about risk factors,symptoms and other practices related to cervical cancer.
Steps to reproduce
A well-structured questionnaire was framed to study the knowledge of participants (rural and urban,Haryana) on cervical cancer.•The data was statistically analyzed with the help of online Medcalc software (v17.2) and Microsoft Excel. Awareness about cervical cancer was assessed by using a chi-square testand odds ratio with a 95% confidence level. p<0.05 was set as the level of statistical significance. The present data allows additional independent studies, comparison with other studies, and database consolidation with complementary resources. In addition, the information can be applied to replication studies and meta-analyses.