Choice of Campsites

Published: 14 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xxhpyhp2rr.1
Adol Gogo


Understanding how tourists choose campsites in wildlife protected areas. Their demographics, campsite attributes and past experience in L.Nakuru National Park Kenya.


Steps to reproduce

Lake Nakuru National Park has two categories of Campsites: Public campsites which are shared, and Special Campsites first come first-served basis no sharing. Study had three objectives: determine whether demographics, campsite attributes and past experience influence choice so that Game Wardens can provide better services while minimizing negative impacts. Research design adopted was simple random sampling where a sampling frame was created from all the campers that spent the night. Using research randomizer software, it was the names that appeared against the randomly generated numbers that were given questionnaires. Binary Logistic Regression analysis to depict the choice of campsite was performed using SPSS.


Chuka University, Szent Istvan Egyetem


Tourism, Accommodation, Consumer Behavior, Demographics, Protected Area Visitor Impact Management, Destination Choice Behavior
