China 160 stations temperature and rainfall data and codes for prediction.

Published: 20 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xxkyrxwkkv.1
Liang Zhao,


China temperature and rainfall data in 160 stations. And codes by matlab software for EOF, SVD, forecast_model. They are procedures of using autumn sea ice to predict anomalies of winter temperature in China.


Steps to reproduce

EOF_savenum: data processsor for EOF analysis. EOF.m: functional element program for EOF_savenum. tem_sic_svd.m: data processor for SVD analysis. SVD_myy.m: functional element program for tem_sic_svd.m sic_hindcast_79_10_std.m: hindcast processor SVD_myy_patternX.m: functional element program for sic_hindcast_79_10.m croval_svd_remove1_grid_std.m: functional element program for sic_hindcast_79_10.m sic_forecast_2011_2018.m: forecast processor SVD_myy.m: functional element program for sic_forecast_2011_2018.m forecast_model.m: functional element program for sic_forecast_2011_2018.m


Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, China University of Geosciences


Meteorology, Air Temperature
