Normality values for Hand behind back test in normal adults with respect to gender and age
The Hand Behind Back Test (HBBT) is used for a variety of purposes, including assessing shoulder function, and determining the degree of illness. The Hand Behind Back test is a functional test to assess the patient’s ability to reach the back. 50 healthy participants consisting of (32 males and 18 females) were recruited for this study. The demographic features and anthropometric details were measured before the test. The test is explained to the participants the Hand-behind-back measured as the space from the median line of the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) to the top of the thumb and recorded in centimeters. The normality values of the hand behind back of the right arm are (15-36 cm) and for the left arm are (16-36 cm) are represented for both male and female participants. The negative correlation with the hand behind back test with respect to age and BMI. Keywords: Hand Behind Back Test, hand behind back.