Transcriptomic and metabolomic responses to varying nutrient conditions reveal new insights into pitcher formation in Nepenthes khasiana

Published: 19 February 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/xyrf4ssn5h.4
Jeremy Dkhar,
, Kiran Dhiman,


The dataset uploaded here contain (i) annotation results of the assembled transcriptome using UniProt and Mercator databases (Data S1), (ii) a list of primary metabolites identified in N. khasiana in response to varying nutrient conditions (Data S2), (iii) a list of elements detected in soil samples collected from a natural habitat of N. khasiana (Data S3), (iv) DESeq results of the first group of samples comprising 1 MS, 1/4 MS and 1/8 MS (Data S4) and the second group of samples comprising LB, P and R (Data S5), and (v) Mapman functional categories enriched in different clusters of first group of DEGs comprising 1 MS, 1/4 MS and 1/8 MS (Data S6) and second group of DEGs comprising LB, P and R (Data S7).



Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology CSIR, Jawaharlal Nehru University


Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Plant Evolution, Plant Development, Next Generation Sequencing


Department of Science and Technology

