
Published: 13 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/xyvdnnk6dk.1
, Qi Zhang,
, DongXin Pan, JianFeng Chen


A novel X-space parallel framework is introduced. In contrast to traditional discrete physical/velocity space decomposition parallelization methods, it can decompose each space in a hybrid manner and efficiently parallelize the computation. For better conservation of the macroscopic physical variables, flow properties in each cell are updated by moments of microscopic variable fluxes, which preserves particle multiscale information under sparse velocity space mesh. Several test cases, which include 2D lid-driven cavity flow in the transition flow regime, hypersonic rarefied flow past a 3D sphere, are carried out to verify the accuracy of the conserved discrete unified gas kinetic scheme to simulate the flows in all flow regimes. A large-scale parallel computational test case of 3D sphere with 101,600 physical mesh cells and 62,744 velocity mesh cells is conducted to measure the parallel efficiency of the conserved dugksFoam code. A significant superlinear speedup of 1631.87 has been achieved on 1120 cores.



Northwestern Polytechnical University School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University School of Astronautics


Natural Sciences
