University students and other adults, due to sedentary lifestyle, prolonged hours spent in classes, studying or working in front of computers, carrying heavy bags are easily prone to develop poor posture, back pain, tightness or weakness of spinal, paraspinal or hip musculature such as Quadratuslumborum, Rectus Femoris, Iliopsoas, Erector Spinae,Multifidus,Tensor Fasciae Latae and other musculoskeletal issues. Considering the increase in sedentary behaviour levels and its association with physical inactivity in young people, it seems important to investigate whether associations could be found between sedentary lifestyle and physiological or biomechanical changes in body that can predispose to other adverse conditions later in life. Quadratus Lumborum due to its myofascial connections to ITB can impact the Q- Angle. Quadratus Lumborum works to depress and fix the twelfth rib and flex the trunk laterally. During forced expiration, the unilateral QL muscle and the lumbar lateral flexor depresses and fixes the twelfth rib and stabilize the vertebrae during movements of the thoracic cage .Lack of breathing exercises, lack of physical exertion and sedentary lifestyle leading to weakness of diaphragm and other respiratory muscles, impaired mucus clearance, narrowing of airways, incomplete emptying of lungs and an increased resistance to ventilation increases the frequency and duration of forced breathing. This might cause increased activation and recruitment of Quadratus Lumborum leading to its tightness. Respiratory depression can be assessed by, Forced vital capacity (FVC in L), which is the maximal volume of air expired in one breath, or forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 in L), which is the volume of air forcefully expired in one second after maximal inspiration, and Peak expiratory flow (PEF in L/sec) which is the maximum speed of expiration. Hence, tight QL may be a result of continuous forced exhalation due to respiratory depression. Therefore, this study focuses on evaluating the effect of Quadratus Lumborum tightness on Q- Angle at knee and respiratory function. For data collection, a screening questionnaire developed by the researcher was given to the subjects. The subjects meeting the inclusion criteria were informed about the procedure of the study in detail. After receiving informed consent, the QL length measurement was done bilaterally. The subjects were then divided into one of the two groups- tight QL and non-tight QL group. This was followed by Q- angle measurement of both the knees by universal goniometer and respiratory function testing by spirometer.