Dataset describing the influence of preharvest gibberellic acid application on fruiting behavior, yield and fruit biochemical properties of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)
The dataset describes how gibberellic acid application at the mature panicles (inflorescence) during the pre-flowering and the early fruiting stages augments the fruit set and retention, fruit yield and post-harvest biochemical properties of rambutan, an exotic non-climacteric tropical fruits in Bangladesh. Gibberellic acid spray at six various concentrations from 0 ppm (control) to 500 ppm revealed that 200 to 300 ppm doses had superiority over the lower and higher doses for promoting the fruit yield and quality. More specifically, fruit set, fruit retention and yield exhibited the best at 300 ppm being consonant with 200 ppm, whereas GA3 doses from 200 ppm to 500 ppm performed similarly to enhance fruit physico-chemical qualities and shelf life of rambutan. Control treatment along with 50 ppm gibberellic acid dose demonstrated inferior results for yield and fruit quality improvement of rambutan.
Steps to reproduce
During the two successive growing seasons (2021 and 2022), the experiment was conducted at the middle of Madhupur Tract (Agro-ecological Zone 28) of Bangladesh. The variety BARI Rambutan-1 (released from Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) was the test plant on which six various doses of gibberellic acid namely 0 (control), 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm were sprayed at the panicles during two distinct growth stages such as the pre-flowering stage and the early fruit growth stage. Data were recorded on fruit set/panicle, fruit retention/panicle, fruit retention percentage, individual fruit weight (g), fruit yield/panicle (g), fruit length (g) and breadth (g), pulp weight (g) and thickness (cm), peel weight (g) and thickness (cm), pulp to peel ratio, seed weight (g), length (cm), breadth (cm) and thickness (cm), edible portion (%), total soluble solids (%), titratable acidity (%), total sugars (%) and shelf life (d) of rambutan.