Ship-based Observations and Climate Model Simulation of Cloud Phase over the Southern Ocean dataset
The two datasets in this repository contain the results of the E3SMv1 simulation and the EMC2 instrument simulator results in NetCDF format. These results were used to compare with MARCUS remote sensing observations in the Desai et al. (2023) paper entitled "Ship-based Observations and Climate Model Simulation of Cloud Phase over the Southern Ocean". E3SMv1: In this study, we used the atmospheric component of the DOE’s E3SMv1 model (Rasch et al., 2019). In E3SMv1, the cloud microphysics in stratiform clouds is parameterized using the two-moment MG2 scheme (Gettelman & Morrison, 2015). The E3SMv1 model was integrated from 1 April 2017 to 30 March 2018 at 1 deg horizontal resolution and 72 vertical layers with a time step of 30 mins. The results during the MARCUS campaign are used for analysis while the first approximate 6 months are treated as model spin-up. To provide an apples-to-apples comparison, the modeled cloud properties were sampled along the MARCUS ship track every 10 min. The file contains the E3SMv1 results for the entire MARCUS campaign from 2017_10_30 to 2018_03_23 in one file. It also contains all the relevant variables such as CLDICE, CLDLIQ, RAINQM, SNOWQM which were used to obtain cloud ice, liq, rain and snow respectively. The file contains the same E3Smv1 simulation but with the Hallett Mossop term increased by 10 times. The file contains the same E3Smv1 simulation but with the Hallett Mossop term increased by 100 times. EMC2: The Earth Model Column Collaboratory (EMC2) is an open-source remote sensing instrument simulator and sub-column generator which generates lidar and radar variables from the E3SM large scale model output (Silber et al., 2022). The simulator generates 20 sub-columns within the E3SM time and vertical resolution. This provides a finer scale output grid and allows direct comparison of cloud phase between coarse-scale GCM output and fine-scale observations. The fine-scale resolution cloud phase identified by EMC2 is then averaged to the E3SM scale by calculating the individual phase frequency. The folder contains the simulator results for each day of the campaign from 2017_10_30 to 2018_03_23. Each file contains variables such as phase_mask_HSRL_all_hyd and phase_mask_WACR_sounding_all_hyd which were used to obtain lidar and radar phase respectively from the simulator results for each day.