Data Repository for Research Article: "Model-Based Kinetic Espresso Brewing Control Chart for Representative Taste Components"

Published: 27 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y2tz67f6ry.1
, Lara Vannieuwenhuyse,


This repository contains all data, files, and MATLAB code for comprehending and reproducing the results of our research article "New Model-Based Kinetic Brewing Control Chart for Espresso Coffee Predicting the Extraction Kinetics of Representative Taste Components at Varying Temperature and Flow Rate". The folder "Experimental_data" contains experimental data from our previous research article "Influence of Flow Rate, Particle Size, and Temperature on Espresso Extraction Kinetics" ( We offer an "Espresso Brewing Control App" for download which is a tool for understanding and optimizing espresso coffee extraction at different extraction parameters, e.g., water temperature, flow rate, and brew ratio. The app is allowed to be modified and extended using the respective MATLAB code, provided that the prerequisites of the licence of this data repository are fulfilled. The instruction document "Instructions_for_MATLAB_Code.docx" is a manual on how to use the MATLAB Code for parameter estimation using extraction kinetics data. We recommend reading the research article before using the MATLAB code to enhance clarity about the model and the parameter estimation procedure.



Technische Universitat Munchen


Coffee, Extraction Curve, Espresso


Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

AiF 20748 N
