Published: 29 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y38jkf7j6h.1


Phase-change materials (PCM) represent a sustainable alternative for reducing energy consumption. It also enhances thermal comfort for occupants. The incorporation of PCM for heating and cooling buildings has attracted particular interest from many scientists, as it enables large quantities of energy to be stored and released in the form of heat during the material's melting and solidification process. This article is a first step in the bioclimatic team's study of the integration of PCMs in building envelopes. A review of some one hundred articles and reports has enabled us to draw up a summary of PCMs and the work carried out on latent heat storage. The latter represents a challenge to be met for more energy-efficient buildings..For several decades, low-income citizens in Moroccan cities have been suffering from thermal inequality, energy poverty and thermal comfort constraints. They resist indoor temperatures of less than 16°C and more than 32°C, it is therefore possible to integrate PCM and optimize their parameters in order to favorably diphase the energy consumption peaks and energy consumption and, by the same token, significantly reducing the use of the HCV system. Consequently, the integration of this PCM in the envelopes of new buildings or in renovation would contribute to reduce the energy bill in the building sector in Morocco. we are working only with software related to: calculation and simulation of electrical and thermal zones, which causes the phenomenon of thermal stress . Among the sources of energy consumption, Heating, Ventilation and air Conditioning (HVAC) systems represent about 50% of the total expenditure in buildings .Similarly, msv can be used to accelerate the heat flow and also using the local building materials with p.c.m low environmental impact. This article presents a comparison between the Trnsys and energy plus . If the diversity of these programs is a boon in that it allows many different simulations to be compared, it also poses a problem in terms of comparison of results and even choice of program.



Energy Engineering, Energy Conservation in Building, Phase Change Material, Low Energy Building
