Dataset on Diagnostic and Management Protocol among children with Allergic Rhinitis

Published: 3 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y38rr2j8b6.1
KONSTANTINA CHRYSOULI, Ioannis Savva, Sotirios Karamagkiolas


Aim of the data in this article is to determine the prevalence, sociodemographic features, comorbid illnesses, complications and quality of life in children referred to the outpatient clinic of ''Allergic Rhinitis'' in a Children Hospital. Allergic rhinitis was reported in 78% of studied children and was frequently characterized by significant morbidity. Allergic rhinitis affected all paediatric age group and was peaked at age group 15-17 years and 11–14 years. There were associated epidemiological features, clinical manifestations, comorbid illnesses, complications and affectation of the quality of life in children. Early referral to the specialist is highly recommended to avoid further complications. Further multicentre studies should be carried out in order to understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms of allergic rhinitis more comprehensively.


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Elvesier's recommendation via e-mail


University General Hospital Athinon


Allergy, Allergology


National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
