Data for the publication entitled - " Validation of 3D printed MAYO Tubes and Stethoscope in Simulated Medical Environment – Tools Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing for Emergency Care"

Published: 8 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y4zms5v67t.1
Peter Maroti,


Data for the publication entitled - " Validation of 3D printed MAYO Tubes and Stethoscope in Simulated Medical Environment – Tools Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing for Emergency Care" Please, always refer to the original article as well if you use any of the datasets and/files. 1.) Raw_Data.xlsl - raw data containing the results of the measurements 2.) MAYO_evaulation_sheet.docx - evaulation sheet used for validation of MAYO tubes 3.) Stethoscope_evaulation_sheet.docx - evaulation sehhet used for the validation of stethoscopes 4.) MAYO_tubes_3_final.stl - 3D printing files for MAYO tubes The 3D printed stethoscope has been printed out using the Glia model, published by Pavlovsky et al.: Pavlosky A, Glauche J, Chambers S, Al-Alawi M, Yanev K, Loubani T (2018) Validation of an effective, low cost, Free/open access 3D-printed stethoscope. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193087.



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Medical Education, Health Education, Emergency Care, Patient Simulation in Medical Education, Education in Emergency Contexts, Design for Additive Manufacture
