Debt threshold for Vietnam
Annually time series data for the period 1989– 2016, sourced principally from the ADB’s database, Word Bank‘s database and the Conference Board’s Total Economy Database (TED). The relevant variables include Gross domestic product growth; Long-term public sector external debt stocks; long-term private sector external debt stocks; Growth of total factor productivity; Foreign direct investment net inflows; Trade openness (sum of export and import value) and Trade balance
Steps to reproduce
In order to obtain proxies for Vietnam’s indebtedness, some compulsory ratios were computed, including external public debt to GDP ratio (DEBTRATIO), external private debt to GDP ratio (PRIVATEDEBTRATIO), foreign direct investment to GDP ratio (FDIRATIO) and trade openness to GDP ratio (OPEN). To have more observations, we apply the proportional first differences bench marking (PFD) method to derive quarterly estimates from annually one, this method was proposed by Denton (1971).