Data for temperature and leaf gas exchange of aquaponic lettuce
The CEA_Data.xlsx file contains 6 sheets containing thermo-gas and leaf canopy growth and moisture signatures. Sheet 1 (Perday) contains week no., day, humidity, temperature, O2 and CO2 concentrations outside and inside a partially diffused microclimatic chamber, net ecosystem exchange, photosynthetic quotient, and the produced O2 and assimilated CO2 for the light-dependent photosynthetic reaction. It also contains the week no., day, humidity, temperature, O2 and CO2 concentrations outside and inside the chamber, net ecosystem exchange, thermal sensitivity Q1, and the produced and assimilated CO2 and O2 during the dark-period respiration. Sheet 2 (GDD) contains temperature variances, growing degree day values, thermal ratio (max/min), and the photothermal unit. Sheet 3 (FMT_EWT) contains the measured and RNN-predicted full moisture content and equivalent water thickness as metrics of leaf moisture stress. Sheet 4 (PCSI) contains minor and major axis length and the resulting plant canopy shape index per plant from week 1 to week 6 of cultivation. Sheet 5 (VI) contains the RGB, MGVRI, GLI, MPRI, RGBVI, ExG, and VEG as optical vegetative stress indices. Sheet 6 (SUMMARY) contains the established parameter ranges for vegetative, head development, and harvest stages of aquaponic lettuce.