Vertical Transport of Wave Energy, Heat, and Meteoric Na by the Complete Temporal Spectrum of Gravity Waves in the MLT Above McMurdo (77.84˚S, 166.67˚E), Antarctica
Published: 8 November 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/y5w7273prx.2
, Description
This dataset supports the article " Vertical Transport of Wave Energy, Heat, and Meteoric Na by the Complete Temporal Spectrum of Gravity Waves in the MLT Above McMurdo (77.84˚S, 166.67˚E), Antarctica " (submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere on August 20, 2021 and then revised on November 5, 2021). The data are provided in MatLab format. Plotting programs are also included.
Atmospheric Transport, Antarctica, Lidar Remote Sensing, Upper Atmosphere Physics, Polar Regions, Middle Atmosphere