Supplemental tables: Increased incidence of thyroid, renal, lung, melanoma, bladder, and prostate cancers after diagnosis of primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma: A SEER database analysis
We investigated the risks of PCBCL patients developing subsequent cancers distinct from PCBCL, defined as second primary malignancies (SPMs), and stratified the risks based on sex, age, latency, stage, and treatment. This dataset contains demographic information for PCBCL patients who developed SPMs (table 1). Table 2 elucidates the risks of developing the 15 most common solid tumors, stratified by sex. Thyroid, renal, lung, melanoma, bladder, and prostate cancer carried significantly increased risks. Table 3 stratifies SPM risk based on prior treatment history. Prior radiation was associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer and chemotherapy was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Table 4 provides evidence that most of these SPMs were diagnosed at early stages. Table 5 provides signs, symptoms, and screening guidelines for the six second malignancies found to develop at increased rates after primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma. This table can be used by providers to augment PCBCL patient education and guide specialist referral if necessary.