Data on Digital Communication Tools for innovations among Poultry farmers

Published: 16 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/y656kx5w92.2
, Ike Nwachukwu, Mathew Ayoola, Halleluyah Aworinde


This survey dataset described the socioeconomic characteristics, ascertained awareness of Digital Communication Tools (DCTs) usage, accessed knowledge of the DCTs usage, determined the perception of respondents on DCTs usage, extent of accessibility of DCTs, extent of utilization of DCTs and identified constraints faced in the use of DCTs for technology or agricultural innovation by poultry farmers in Southwest Nigeria. Quantitative methods was employed using a well structured interview schedule to collect information for the study. Purposive sample procedure was used to select 516 commercial poultry farmers that are registered with Poultry Association of Nigeria. The data collected was cleaned, entered in SPSS, subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics used include frequency, percentages, mean, ranking and standard deviation. The inferential statistics used were Regression, PPMC and Chi-square test. Data analyzed are saved in PDF file.


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Quantitative methods was employed using interview schedule. Multistage sampling procedure was be used to select respondents for this study. The first stage involved a purposive selection of three states, Oyo and Ogun and Lagos states in South-western Nigeria due to the predominance of poultry production. The Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) provided the sampling frame for the study. There are five Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) zones in Oyo, six in Ogun and seven in Lagos states. At the second stage, there was a random sampling of 60% of PAN zones in each of the selected state, to give three, four and four in Oyo, Ogun and Lagos State respectively. The third stage involves a random sampling of 40% of registered poultry farmers from each of the selected zone to give a total number of 567 respondents. Thereafter, purposive sampling technique was used to sample farmers that use DCTs for poultry production to give a total of 516 respondents for the study.


Bowen University


Technology Aided Communication, Digital Technology, Digital Communication, Poultry Farming
