Data for: Small is Beautiful? Explaining Resident Satisfaction in Swedish Nursing Home Care
These files contain all data and code necessary to reproduce the findings reported in the article "Small is Beautiful? Explaining Resident Satisfaction in Swedish Nursing Home Care".
Steps to reproduce
To reproduce Additional File 1 attatched to the main manuscript, download all files included in this repository to a folder. The R markdown file "Analysis_notebook.Rmd" may then be knitted to a pdf file. We reccomend using the free, open source RStudio IDE ( to do this. Additional functions called upon by the R markdown file to perform data cleaning and modelling may be found in functions.R, and newunitnames.csv contains a look-up table for nursing home unit names which were matched manually. Remaining files consist of the raw data downloaded from the National Board of Health and Welfare and the county council database (Kolada) parsed by the R code. the sensitivity_app folder contains an interactive application written using the Shiny framework which may be used to generate alternate definitions of the outcome measure reported in the manuscript in order to assess the sensitivity of our findings. Open app.R using Rstudio and press the "Run app" button to use this locally. Note 2019-08-20: Noticed that the read_excel function used to parse files changed functionality in a way that broke parsing. Updated parsing scripts to function for both old and new versions. Note 2019-09-19: Updated analysis_notebook.Rmd to include additional analyses requested by reviewers.