Data from: Stress-induced changes in bone marrow stromal cell populations revealed through single-cell protein expression mapping

Published: 24 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y6stzwzs39.1
, Nicolas Severe,
, David T. Scadden


CyTOF permits multidimensional relative protein quantitation in single-cells beyond that possible with flow cytometry and we applied it to mouse bone marrow stromal cells using a customized CyTOF panel. To gauge the likely functional relevance of particular bone marrow stromal cell subsets, we assessed their responses under a clinically relevant stress condition. Patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation are conditioned with myeloablative radiation or chemotherapy. In mice however, this is best modeled by a lethal dose of irradiation. Since the HSPC graft is infused one day after radiation, we assessed stromal populations at that time. In addition we assessed 1 hour after radiation to evaluate early changes.


Steps to reproduce

The data was obtained using a CyTOF2 instrument. Files are pre-processed by normalization using four-element beads (Fluidigm) and debarcoding with a separation cutoff of 0.3 and a Mahalanobis cutoff of 30. Experimental details are given in our linked manuscript.


Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital


Mass Spectrometry, Cytokines, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Microenvironment
