Survey Questionnaire
The suvey is mainly conducted in a scientific manner which includes an empirical approach of collection of data. This includes a circulation of a questionnaire based on the research questions, one to one interaction with teachers, management of the school, students and their parents to analyse the effectiveness of the e- tools and techniques of online education. it was concluded on 153 samples (Students and teachers). Additionally, 31 more responses were collected through a face to face interview to take the views of school management and parents on whether they are satisfied or not satisfied with this new regime. Sample size: Initial sample size of the study was 160 (including teachers and students and for last research question even parents and school management was also on count) using various internet tools but responses of questionnaires were found invalid due to several reasons so the actual sample size reduced to 153 (Students and teachers) and 31 (School management and parents). Data collection tools: This study was basically based on primary data collected using a structured questionnaire and interview techniques, administered to 184 respondents (153 and 31). Data analysis tool: A demographic presentation through tables and charts.