Data for the behavior of concrete rheology mixed with the different supplementary cementitious material
The use of ash in concrete is extremely common nowadays, mainly as a partial replacement for cement. However, the quantity utilized in many countries is merely between 15 to 25 percent. Disposal of unusable ash raises severe ecological problems and is sort of expensive, to not mention the problem of finding dumping sites. Increased utilization of ash is thus, in many countries, within the national interest. Rheological tests on cement paste were wont to successfully select the sort and dosage of mineral admixtures that improved concrete workability. Among the 2 different minerals with different proportion admixtures tested, the ash and Rice husk ash decided to offer the simplest results by reducing the yield stress and viscosity. These improved rheological properties weren't achieved by increasing the water demand and/or the high-range water reducer admixtures dosage. Therefore, the addition of ash and Rice husk ash improved the concrete flow without a possible decrease of the hardened properties or a rise in cost. The conclusions reached supported cement paste tests were validated by concrete slump tests. The cement paste rheological data were also compared using two simpler tests, the Slump cone test and L-Box text. The goal was to work out whether the simpler tests might be wont to characterize the rheology of cement paste adequately. The conclusions are that these simpler tests are unreliable for measuring workability. Thus several other tests got to be performed like the compressive strength test to accurately measure the suitability of concrete for construction.
Steps to reproduce
Nominal and Design Mix samples were prepared and tested for their compressive, flow ability properties. Description of data The data having the variation in compressive strength, slump value, and L collection Box test values with different proportions of fly Ash and RHA. Data source location PSIT campus, Kanpur ,U.P. (India) Data