Implementation and evaluation of a unified turbulence parameterization throughout the canopy and roughness sublayer in Noah-MP snow simulations
These data are model outputs and in situ observed snow validation data used in the manuscript: Implementation and evaluation of a unified turbulence parameterization throughout the canopy and roughness sublayer in Noah-MP snow simulations. Site latitudes and longitudes can be obtained from the SNOTEL data file for the 804 SNOTEL validation sites. The two additional sites (805 and 806) correspond with the US-NR1 and US-GLEES AmeriFlux sites, respectively. The M-O folder contains daily simulated data, aggregated from hourly outputs, from the M-O reference simulation. The M-O-RSL folder contains daily simulated data, aggregated from hourly outputs, from M-O-RSL simulations for 3 setting of the z1 parameter: the default settings (z1 = 5 cm), z1 = 3 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The SNOTEL_Validation_Data folder holds the SNOTEL validation data used in the study obtained from ( For more information, contact Ronnie Abolafia-Rosenzweig at