Diaphragm control valve model estimation - algorithms and experimental data
Published: 14 August 2020| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/y7jkjt9jjf.4
This dataset has the open and closed loop algorithms used to estimate a diaphragm control valve using the He, Choudhury, Kano, Karnopp, LuGre and GMS friction models. Yet, it has all the experimental data used to model an industrial diaphragm valve. The user has to compile the code and update the correct directories to run the algorithms.
Steps to reproduce
The user has to compile the algorithms. I have used the intel compiler, but it must work with MSVC and GCC as well. It has python module called load_data, to be able to open the simulation data .sim file.
Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola Politecnica
Parameter Estimation, Control Valve, Modelling