Dataset on ‘Settling-in challenges of ‘fresh’ postgraduate students of the University of Cape Coast’

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y7wmrdfvts.1
Wisdom Agbevanu,


This dataset provides insights into the views of settling-in challenges of ‘fresh’ postgraduate students at the University of Cape Coast, as evaluated by 411 postgraduate students across four colleges of the university in Ghana, The dataset examines six key aspects from postgraduate students’ perspectives: (1) Settling-in expectations of postgraduate students, (2) Settling-in challenges facing postgraduate students, (3) Settling-in challenges impacting postgraduate students’ academic and non-academic lives, (4) Coping strategies of postgraduate students related to the settling-in challenges, and (5) The university’s role in addressing postgraduate students perceived or real settling-in challenges. The survey was conducted in person from October to December 2022. The dataset aims to provide valuable insights for university administrators and researchers to understand the perspectives of postgraduate students on their settling-in challenges in context.



University of Cape Coast


Higher Education, Postgraduate Education, Graduate Student, Expectations, Scale Development
