Deck for Battery & Solar Panel Mounts

Published: 20 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/y83f2rvxzn.1
Nick Murray


Design a rear deck for multipurpose use: - Have battery mounts (QTY: 4) out of 30x30x3 Mild Steel Angle to securely contain the battery array behind the cab of the vehicle. - Have the deck being able to tilt in order to access the battery array/wiring for maintenance purposes. - Have the deck large enough to mount 1600x600mm Solar panel to passively recharge the battery array.


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce this setup in another vehicle: - Measure the width and length of the rear of the vehicle, and locate the best positions for containing the batteries for the battery array. - Design a deck from preferred material to cover the design aspect of the deck. - Order materials and fabricate in tack stage to place onto the vehicle to ensure that the deck design functions. - Fully weld, paint for protection and place all components in final locations.


Waikato Institute of Technology - Rotokauri Campus


Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Design
