Data set: The cumulative impacts of droughts and air pollutants on Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Switzerland based on 37 years of forest monitoring

Published: 23 December 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/y8hvtzzkb4.2
, Sven Hopf


This data set provides mortality data of Norway Spruce (Picea abies) from long-term forest obseravtion plots in Switzerland. The data set includes data from the start of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program in Switzerland in 1984 until 2021. Data and models are used for the paper by Tresch et al. 2022: The cumulative impacts of climate change induced droughts and air pollutants on the decline of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Switzerland based on 37 years of forest monitoring. R codes can be found in the GitHub repository:


Steps to reproduce

Pleas see the main paper and in case of additional questions contact the main authors of the paper.


Institut fur Angewandte Pflanzenbiologie


Environmental Monitoring, Air Pollution, Acid Deposition, Foliar Nutrition, Forest



Intercantonal forest observation programm (cantons AG, BE, BL, BS, SO GR, TG, ZH and Central Switzerland (LU, OW, NW, SZ, ZG and UR))
