The Mindful Coach: A Pilot Study on the effectiveness of a MAC-Based Intervention, Incorporated with SDT Principles, Evaluated from the Athletes׳ Perspective
A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the indirect effectiveness of The Mindful Coach, a MAC-based intervention integrated with complementary SDT principles, designed for sport coaches, on their trainees. The intervention focused on enhancing coaches' intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, with the expectation of improving variables related to athletes’ well-being and performance. Five sport coaches, responsible for instructing 55 athletes, participated in an 8-week intervention consisting of weekly sessions, alongside a comparable control group of 51 athletes. Outcome measures, obtained through self-reported questionnaires from the athletes, focused on coach behaviors and athletes' self-competence, confidence, and sport-related anxiety. The files include: 1) Description of variables 2) SPSS file with 1 line per participant 3) SPSS file with 1 line per measuring time per particpant
Steps to reproduce
All details are provided in the file "variables_description _for_repository.docx"