Fluoropolymer Coatings for Solar Cover Glass: Anti-Soiling Mechanisms in the Presence of Dew - Supplemental Material and Datasets
The dataset contains supplemental materials for Fluoropolymer Coatings for Solar Cover Glass: Anti-Soiling Mechanisms in the Presence of Dew. Table of Contents Fig. S1. Soiling rate using CDA (cloud deposition apparatus) measured by a decrease in %T at λ=550nm as a function of dust exposure time (open-door time). Fig. S2. Initial Direct Light Percent Transmittance (%T) Fig. S3. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Images of Test Surfaces Fig. S4. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Images of Test Surfaces Fig. S5. Soiling plots of all individual samples: Percent Transmittance at 550 nm Fig. S6. Soiling plots of all individual samples: Percent Surface Area Covered by Dust Fig. S7 Large Area View of Hydrophobic Coated Glass After One Dew-Dust-Dry Cycle Fig. S8. Effect of Soiling Sequence: Dust Deposited on Condensate vs Condensation onto a Dust-coated Surface. Fig. S9. No-Touch Cleaning after Dry Soiling Fig. S10. Photographs of Bare Glass and Hydrophobic Surfaces after soiling (before controlled cleaning) and after controlled cleaning Table S1. Contact Angle Hysteresis and Sliding Angles of the Test Substrates Table S2. Supplementary Videos