article "Dynamics of the public-debt-to-gdp ratio"
Published: 4 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ybms2xrm8d.1
Sergio LagoaDescription
This dataset includes the data used in the article "Dynamics of the public-debt-to-gdp ratio", and can be used to replicate its results. Variables: are defined in deviations from Germany. DPNY_G_: public-debt to gdp ratio projection for N years ahead. GDP_G_: real GDP growth. INF_G2_: Inflation rate. NIIP_G_: Net international investment position in % of GDP. DebtIssues_G_: Debt issues of the country in % of the total. CA_G: current account in % of GDP. Budpri_G_: primary public deficit to gdp.
Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, Public Finance