TPS coordinate files of horse shape space data
Based on the work from Druml et al. 2015 ( ), and the expanded version of Gmel et al. 2022 (, the horse shape space model was applied on 2489 images of 1241 horses photographed from the side in open posture. A mix of landmarks and converted semi-landmarks result in 253 landmarks per image and were saved as tps files. These tps files are available for download in this repository. The tps files are sorted by horse breed (WB=Warmblood, SHA=Shagya Arabian, PRE=Pura Raza Español, LUS=Lusitano, LIP=Lipizzaner, FM=Franches-Montagnes, AR=Purebred Arabian). Each folder also contains R code lines for transforming the data into .csv files, and a metafile describing the individual horse identifier, followed by the sex, year of birth, year of the photograph to derive age on the photograph, wither’s height, country of origin of the photograph, and the scores for the six posture parameters previously described in Gmel et al. (