Steam Games Dataset : Player count history, Price history and data about games
This dataset consists of player count history, price history, and data about 2000 applications available in the Steam games platform. The 2000 applications are the applications in Steam with the highest player count within the last 24 hours on the 11th of December 2017 chosen based on the player statistics provided in SteamDB ( The player count history of each application from 14-12-2017 to 12-08-2020 is available. Player count was collected in 5-minutes intervals for the top 1000 applications ( and in 1-hour intervals for the next 1000 applications( using the ISteamUserStats interface of the Steamworks web API. One file per each application is available containing UTC Time and Playercount columns. The price history of non Free to Play applications are available from 07-04-2019 to 12-08-2020. Price information was collected using the StorefrontAPI in USD currency and is available in daily frequency. Hence, price changes that did not last for 24 hours would not be available. One file per each application is available containing Date, Initialprice, Finalprice, and Discount columns. Data about the applications were collected using the StorefrontAPI, except for tags which was collected using SteamSpy API. The format of each file is described as follows: applicationInformation.csv : [ appid, type, name, releasedate, freetoplay ] This file consists of the application ID used in Steam, application name, the release date of the application, application type representing whether the application is a game, mod, demo, advertising or dlc. ( There are 1963 games in the dataset out of the 2000 applications. ) Whether the game is Free to play or not is represented as a binary feature. applicationDevelopers.csv: Consist of the appid and a list of the developers of the application. applicationPublishers.csv: Consist of the appid and a list of the publishers of the application. applicationSupportedlanguages.csv : Consist of the appid and a list of the languages the application supports. applicationPackages.csv: Consist of the appid and a list of the package IDs the application is included in. applicationGenres.csv: Consist of the appid and a list of the genres assigned to the application on Steam store. applicationTags.csv: Consist of the appid and the list of the tags assigned to the application on Steam store. Research Paper(s) resulting from this dataset: D. Vihanga, M. Barlow, E. Lakshika and K. Kasmarik, "Weekly Seasonal Player Population Patterns in Online Games: A Time Series Clustering Approach," 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), London, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/CIG.2019.8848108.