Examples Ex a, b, c, d, e, and f containing programs of 3D-RMDP + 3D-Bresenhams +RMF²-two-point Algorithms
Published: 14 July 2022| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/yd5yyfwzhd.4
Valere HuypensDescription
See Perferct 3D-curve and 3D-Offsets Reference Pulse Interpolation Algorithms using the Relative Minimum Distance to the Olar Line (RMDPL) and its projections (v1). 3D-Bresenham IPOs and RMF²-two-point IPO for higher degree implicit polynomials. Also generation of small 3D-offset curves.
Steps to reproduce
If you want to change the programs you must use the .nb files with Mathematica
Mathematical Engineering