Portable ED-XRF as a tool for optimizing sampling strategy: the case study of a Hellenistic amphora assemblage from Paphos (Cyprus) - Supplementary Data

Published: 8 November 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ydgs3z4g76.2


The present data set includes portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) analyses of 287 fragments of Hellenistic transport amphorae and four fragments of roof tiles excavated in Paphos (Cyprus). It includes furthermore neutron activation analysis (NAA) results of samples taken from 97 fragments, which were selected taking into account preliminary clustering of the present pXRF analyses. For the pXRF analysis a NITON XL3t GOLDD+ system was used on the spot while the NAA of powdered samples was carried out at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR). The List of pXRF samples includes their categorization by means of amphora macroscopic groups (AMG). Furthermore, the assignment to clusters is indicated according to two separate hierarchical cluster analyses of the supposedly local ceramics (Clusters CYP-xxx) and the supposedly imported ceramics (Cluster IMP-xxx). In the case of multiple pXRF measurements of the same sample at different spots individual cluster assignments are indicated. The amphora fragments came from mostly closed deposits in the area of the Hellenistic Agora and the residential area of Maloutena in Nea Paphos. The last column lists Sample IDs of 97 fragments, which were selected for NAA. The pXRF data sheet lists the data of 368 measurements in 'soil' mode. Removed were elements, which were determined mostly < LOD. The NAA data sheet lists the unprocessed NAA data provided by MURR. Alternatively, the processed NAA data are accessible on the ceraDAT database (ceradat.net).


Steps to reproduce

The data were collected with a handheld portable XRF (NITON XL3t GOLDD+,Thermo Fisher Scientific) on the archaeological site. For measurements and estimations of element concentrations the preset 'soil' mode was used with a measurement time selected of 120 s. Taking into account the surface sensitivity of the method areas without obvious surface treatments or alterations were selected for the measurements, such as breaks.


National Centre for Scientific Research-Demokritos


X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Pottery and Ceramics
