Industry 4.0 technologies extracted from Inustry 4.0 papers and ESCO database

Published: 9 March 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/ydxtrj7pg6.3
Vito Giordano,


The dataset contains the list of the Industry 4.0 technologies extracted from: - the title, abstract and keywords of a papers set related to Indutry 4.0. The papers set is retrieved using the following query on Scopus database: - the skill labels and descriptions contained in the ESCO database. ESCO is a multilingual classification of skills, competences, qualifications, and occupations founded on paradigms contained in the EC’s New Skills for New Jobs Communication of 2008 ( The technologies are automatically mapped using a Text Mining technique, callled as Nominal Entity Recognition (NER). The approach to NER used is a gazetteer based (or terminological-driven NER) approach. In particular, we use the lexicon of Inudstry 4.0 technologies developed by Chiarello et al. (2018).



Universita di Pisa Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo


Natural Language Processing, Text Mining
