Data from the description and application fidelity assessment of a workshop aiming to raise awareness of vicarious trauma and introduce response art (WAVT-RA)
We designed and implemented a workshop aiming to raise awareness of vicarious trauma and introduce response art (WAVT-RA) to psychotherapists who work with refugees and asylum claimants who have survived trauma. An art therapist received training to facilitate the workshop. The art therapist facilitator animated the workshop attended by seven participants. We sought to examine whether the design procedure of the WAVT-RA permitted a successful application of the workshop as planned and to encourage reproducibility. Consequently, the WAVT-RA was described from observation (video recording) and an assessment of application fidelity (Chen, 2005) was carried out. This dataset features a description of the training sessions that took place with the facilitator, led by the lead researcher, a description of the facilitator guide that was designed for training purposes, a description of the PowerPoint slides that were projected during the workshop, detailed tables presenting results from the application fidelity evaluation (coverage, strength, intensity), a table presenting the detailed description of the WAVT-RA from data observation, and a table featuring the WAVT-RA self-reflection grid which participants to the WAVT-RA were invited to use to explore their process of response art. This dataset is shared in support of our efforts towards transparency. In disseminating details from the groundwork leading to the application of the WAVT-RA and from resulting observations, we hope to provide inspiration for future professional development program design endeavours.