Excel file containing data on 10,960 conjunction events occurred in 2022 between space objects in Low-Earth Orbit. The dataset is represented as a table, where each row corresponds to a unique conjunction event and each column corresponds to a different conjunction feature. The first row of the table reports the columns names. For each conjunction, the following features are provided: the two objects' names ('name_1', 'name_2'), the two objects' Norad numbers ('norad_1', 'norad_2'), a Two-Line Element (TLE) set for each object ('TLE_1', 'TLE_2'), the time difference (in days) between each TLE epoch and the Time of Closest Approach (TCA) ('prop_1', 'prop_2'), the minimum predicted distance at TCA ('min_range') and the predicted relative velocity at TCA ('rel_vel'). To propagate the objects' trajectories and reconstruct the conjunction kinematics, the only necessary conjunction features are the two TLE sets and the two propagation time-spans.
Steps to reproduce
A web-scraping algorithm has been used to automatically retrieve conjunction data from the daily reports of Celestrak's SOCRATES service over the period from April 26 to June 7, 2022. Additional data has been kindly provided by Dr. T. S. Kelso from archived SOCRATES reports dating from January to March 2022.