Spatial forecasting of COVID-19 incidence and its mortality based on exploring the affecting factors in Iran using OLS and GWR models

Published: 29 September 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/yfvjkvyzz9.2
, Hamed Ahmadi,


This dataset involves two Feature datasets (RAW and Result data) of our research entitled "Spatial forecasting of COVID-19 incidence and its mortality based on exploring the affecting factors in Iran using OLS and GWR models". The RAW feature dataset includes a Feature class which contains the data related to Dependent and Independent variables separately for each province in Iran to analysis the relationships. The Results feature dataset involves some Feature classes including the Estimated, Std. Residuals, and Coefficient of OLS and GWR analysis.


Steps to reproduce

The data have been gotten from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the Annual year book


University of Tehran, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, University of Tabriz


Forecasting, Linear Regression, COVID-19
