A Framework for Evaluating Renewable Energy for Decision-Making Integrating a Hybrid FAHP-TOPSIS Approach: A Case Study in Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Abstract: At present, the energy landscape of many countries faces transformational challenges driven by sustainable development objectives, supported by the implementation of clean technologies, such as renewable energy sources, to meet the flexibility and diversification needs of the traditional energy mix. However, integrating these technologies requires a thorough study of the context in which they are developed. Furthermore, it is necessary to carry out an analysis from a sustainable approach that quantifies the impact of proposals on multiple objectives established by stakeholders. This article presents a framework for analysis that integrates a method for evaluating the technical feasibility of resources for photovoltaic solar, wind, small hydroelectric power, and biomass generation. These resources are used to construct a set of alternatives and are evaluated using a hybrid FAHP-TOPSIS approach. FAHP-TOPSIS is used as a comparison technique among a collection of technical, economic, and environmental criteria, ranking the alternatives considering their level of trade-off between criteria. The results of a case study in Valle del Cauca (Colombia) offer a wide range of alternatives and indicate a combination of 50\% biomass, and 50\% solar as the best, assisting in decision-making for the correct use of available resources and maximizing the benefits for stakeholders. The provided data includes historical information on renewable generation resources in Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, CO. This information has been obtained from publicly available databases, aggregated from PowerNasa tools, the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies (IDEAM), and the Colombian Agricultural Institute. Additional available data: stakeholders survey, indicator data, and obtained results. The processing of this information was carried out using a module developed in Python. For more information, please contact the author or visit https://github.com/MateoBarrera.
Steps to reproduce
The information corresponds to daily historical primary resources, to view tables use any tool that can handle excel books such as office, google sheet or equivalent. The processing of this information was carried out using a module developed in Python. For more information, please contact the author or visit https://github.com/MateoBarrera.