Vehicle Non-exhaust Emissions Significantly Contribute to Urban PM pollution in New Energy Vehicles Era
Based on the Tianjin Statistical Yearbook, we obtained the population of small passenger vehicles from 2002 to 2021. Moreover, we employed established methodologies from prior research(Sun et al., 2019) to adopt a trend extrapolation approach for predicting vehicle population from 2022 to 2035. We employed a logistic model to predict the population of new energy vehicles from 2022 to 2035 based on nationwide vehicle population data and Automotive Industry Association statistical data. The population of conventional fuel vehicles was determined by subtracting the population of new energy vehicles from the overall vehicle population. The VKT is a key foundational data for constructing emission inventory, reflecting the overall activity level of a vehicle fleet. The inspection station database records vehicle age and cumulative mileage, and with appropriate data processing to provide a highly reliable annual average mileage. Tianjin PM10 concentration and ADMS model simulation of brake and tire wear PM10 hourly concentration.