The Data of Adolescents' After-School Behaviors, Self-Management, and Parental Involvement

Published: 2 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ygf9b7yfpd.1
Meng Xiao, Mingzhang Zuo, Xinqi Liu, Kunyu Wang, Heng Luo


We created a paper-based daily behavior log sheet to better understand students' after-school behaviors, self-management, and parental involvement. The log sheet includes categories such as sleep, classroom learning, homework, review, reading, exercise, electronic device use, self-assessment, and parental assessment. These categories are assessed quantitatively using a 5-point Likert scale and record the time spent on each activity. To improve data collection and efficiency, we developed a self-management app based on the paper log sheet. The app includes the same categories and provides feedback reports on students' behavior and self-management performance over daily, weekly, or custom periods. This study identified 15 variables from the log sheet that could influence students' academic performance: sleep duration, sleep quality, classroom learning reflections, homework duration, review duration, reading duration, exercise duration, electronic device use, daily mood, self-assessment scores, parental assessment scores, parental involvement scores, number of planned tasks, task execution rate, and total days of log sheet recording. These were selected based on theories of self-management, self-regulation, time management, and prior research linking student behavior to academic success. We used mean imputation to handle missing data, ensuring completeness and validity. We compared the results before and after imputation and found that it did not significantly affect the study’s conclusions.We used SPSS 26.0 for data analysis and employed backward elimination in multiple regression analysis to account for potential interactions among variables.



Central China Normal University


Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Adolescent Development
