metal(oid)s content in Concholepas concholepas edible tissue
A total of 52 samples of edible tissue (i.e., foot) of Concholepas concholepas were collected along the coastal area of the Valparaiso Region (Central Chile), which is directly/indirectly influenced by one of the most important port-industrial complexes in Chile (Ventanas Industrial Complex, VIA). Specimens were collected manually by autonomous diving, in depths less than 20 m. geographical coodinates of the study zone: a) Cachagua (Cac, 32°35'2.65'' S 71°27'23.9'' W) b) Maitencillo (Mai, 32°38'53.8'' S 71°26'31.7'' W) c) Horcon (Hor, 32°42'59.15'' S 71°30'39.19'' W) d) Ventanas (Ven, 32°38'53.8'' S 71°26'31.7'' W) e) Farellones de Quintero (Quin, 32°44'8.08'' S 71°30'15.17'' W) f) Loncura (Lon, 32°46'52.19'' S 71°30'31.13'' W) g) Embarcadero (Emb, 32°46'5.91'' S 71°31'45.57'' W) h) NW Península de Los Molles (Plm, 32°46'14.57'' S 71°32'29.55'' W) i) Papagallo (Pap, 32°46'56.72'' S 71°32'35.67'' W)
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for details see: Metal(loid)s content in Concholepas concholepas (Mollusca) and human health assessment in a coastal environmental sacrifice zone, central Chile (~32°S). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 197, 115738. Alexis Castillo, Jorge Valdés, Yery Marambio-Alfaro, Luis Figueroa, Jaime Letelier, Francisco Carcamo.