Functional Living Skills in Patients with M-NCD Dataset

Published: 29 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ygphd2gfvb.1
Direzione Scientifica Oasi Research Institute - IRCCS,


Virtual Reality has gained attention as an effective tool for cognitive, motor and daily activity re-habilitation in patients with M-NCDs. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a low-immersive Virtual Reality training (VRT) on four functional living skills (FLS) in patients with M-NCDs due to degenerative (DC) or non-degenerative conditions (NDC). A nonrandomized interventional comparison study was carried out, including pre-treatment assessment (T1: neuro-psychological assessment and first in-vivo test), treatment (T2: 10 sessions of VRT), and post-treatment assessment (T3: second in-vivo test and satisfaction questionnaire). Both groups with DC and NDC improved in all the VRT variable scores; the NDC group seemed to show better outcomes than the DC group. Both groups also improved their performances in the natural envi-ronment, and no statistically significant differences between them were found. These findings confirm the ecological validity of VRT on FLS. Moderate-to-high satisfaction was reported in both groups. VRT seems to be able to significantly improve the quality of health care and produce re-habilitation cost savings for families and health services.



Virtual Reality, Dementia, Cognitive Intervention, Geriatric Rehabilitation


Regione Siciliana

PO‐FESR 2014‐2020‐Action 1.1.5 Project 3DLab Sicily‐ USE CASE: COREV‐LAB (COgnitive RE-habilitation Virtual reality—laboratory)
